White Lawyer, Black Power

Donald A. Jelinek

Inspired by a colleague’s involvement in the Mississippi Summer Project of 1964, Wall Street attorney Donald A. Jelinek traveled to the Deep South to volunteer as a civil rights lawyer during his three-week summer vacation in 1965. He stayed for three years.

In White Lawyer, Black Power, Jelinek recounts the various battles he fought in defense of militant Civil Rights activists and rural African-Americans, risking his career and his life to further the struggle for racial equality as an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and an attorney for the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC) of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Arriving in the Deep South at a pivotal moment in the Movement’s history, as frustration over the failure of the failure of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to improve the day-to-day lives of Southern Blacks led increasing numbers of activists to question the doctrine of non-violence, Jelinek sheds much needed light on the shift from “Civil Rights” to “Black Power.”

Replete with sharply etched, complex portraits of the personalities Jelinek encountered, from the rank and file civil rights workers who formed the backbone of the movement to the younger, more radical, up-and-coming leaders like Stokely Carmichael and H. “Rap” Brown, White Lawyer, Black Power provides a powerful and sometimes harrowing firsthand account of one of the most significant struggles in American history.

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